In todays lesson we made our groups for A2 coursework task who is me, Megan and Charlotte. We are a pop rock band called Dragonfly, and will be doing the song 'Replubica-Ready to go'. We have thought of some ideas of what we want to include or do in our music video.
Powder Paint,
We will be a three piece band myself on the drums, and Megan and Charlotte will be doing either bass, guitar and vocals,
Documentry style,
Behind the scene shots.
Other band names we thought of; Tropicana, Rockstarz, Fruit Pastels, Concrete Rose, Enchanted.
Gerri Halliwell - It's Raining Men
The opening of the music video has an intertextual reference to the film 'Flashdance', these print screens are showing this. In the video she tends to be showing alot of flesh which could come towards as sexual, and showing of the new Gerri Halliwell meaning her new look. As well as saying 'reborn of Gerri Halliwell' from the Spice Girls breaking up.
Selling the artist:
Changes in costume,
Central framing,
Showing off her 'talent',
Selling Gerris new image.
Due to Gerri Halliwell being in the Spice Girls she has a fan base of those who were fans of them, also with the music video having intertextual references to Flashdance and Fame an audience of more older that watched Flashdance and Fame when it first come out.
Visual Lyrics
-Theres rain but its not raining men this amplifies not literally illustrative. -Change in music, Cutting on the beat at times.
Voyeuris; Fragmentation in early sequence, Geris new body image.
Looking; Structure of characters looking at her, echoes 'gaze of viewer'.
Cyclic model of 'pop'
1) New music emerging; youtube/band-uni bar,
2) They build a fan base,
3) Independant label signing,
4) Promotion; gigs, single, album release and constructing there band image. (Music is more important than the image),
5) Majors- Want some of the action and buy out rights,
6) Music Video (Brand image) Global Mainstreamised
Appeal to a mass audience
Becomes popular
Genre Specific
Product to be manufactured.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Class Analysis: Jay Z - 99 Problems
Genre Characteristics: Hip Hop/Rap
Guns (criminal activity),
Suitcase of money/drugs in the boot of the car (x-ray shot),
Low angle shot of Jay Z; makes him seem powerful puts the audience in awe of him,
Exit signs pop up through out-recurring motif,
Recurring use of the diamond throughout; reference to Rock Nation, promoting others on the lable as well as himself,
Vayeristic treatment of women but very few shots of women (less than expected); amplifies the message of the song that he has lots of problems but (bitch ain't one).
Black and White (editing)
Urban, dull and gritty,
Reflects the poverty of the area,
Reflects the themes and tone of the song,
Screen within screen (looking).
Back to basics: Music Video
To create a recognisable image that will appeal to the target audience.
Marketing tool for the artists/band.
Increase airplay of the song.
Create more interest in the album.
Sell singles, albums and the band/artists brand.
Media Theorist: Andrew Goodwin Andrew Goodwin wrote about music videos and suggested that they follow basic, certain rules or codes and conventions.
The record company's demand for exposure of the artist will mean a lot of close up shots of the singer/band.
There will be a relationship between the music and visuals.
There will be a relationship between the lyrics and visuals.
There will be genre characteristics for example; rock music videos show live performances, hip hop videos present images of wealth and a gangsta lifestyle and boy bands have dance routines.
There will be references to the nation of looking for example; television screens, mirrors, people looking at each other or at the audience etc.
There will be some use of intertextual referencing.
Textual Analysis: Music Video
Briefly summarise denotation- use of 'performance', 'warrative' and 'other visual elements'.